The Tahoe Central Sierra Initiative (TCSI) Blueprint is a set of strategy maps that identify opportunities for forest protection and adaptation across a 2.4-million-acre region of the central Sierra Nevada. Its aim is to improve resilience across the region to anticipated climate change and wildfire-, beetle-, and drought-caused tree mortality.
This web application provides a GIS-like interface with the main map outputs from the model. The Blueprint v3 currently includes 5 of the 10 pillars of resilience: Forest resilience, Fire dyamics, Fire adapted communities, Carbon, and Biodiversity. Model outputs from each Pillar-level evaluation were then combined into a final Ecosystem-level assessment, which can be used alone or in combination with the Pillar-level evaluations to assess management needs.
Model outputs are 15-m raster maps that can be downloaded using the icon, which will download a zipfile that includes all associated maps. Zipfiles include several maps, each reflecting a different evaluation of the data.
Firstly, the current map evaluates current (2019) conditions against target or desired conditions and outputs a map with cell values ranging from -1 (fully departed, red) to +1 (within target conditions, blue). The future map similarly evaluates future (2020-2060) conditions, which were quantified using LANDIS-II simulation modeling to determine the potential for a given cell to reach target conditions and the variability of conditions over time.
Several other maps were developed that directly integrate both current and future conditions assessments to better identify broad restoration strategies best suited to the modeled outcomes.